
Talking and Energizing!

Now that I've read Listening to the Groundswell, it's time to learn about talking and energizing with the groundswell.

Talking with the Groundswell emphasizes having conversations, or two-way communication, rather than "shouting" messages at the public. The marketing funnel is a great figure in this chapter that shows how all consumers are narrowed down through various communication into buyers. Awareness, consideration, preference, action and loyalty are all a part of the process in decision making. These need to be taken into consideration while talking with the groundswell.

There are multiple ways to hold a conversation with the public:
1. Post a viral video
2. Engage in social networks and user-generated content sites
3. Join the blogosphere
4. Create a community

Energizing the groundswell is important because it's believable, self-reinforcing and self-spreading. Energizing can be done by tracking ratings and reviews, and utilizing their reactions to actions of the company. It can also be done by tapping into that community created by talking with the groundswell, and participating with online brand enthusiasts with social networks.

Talking and energizing go hand in hand. If the conversation goes well, the community will be energized!

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