
The Sad-mester Change

Well, I've given it seven weeks and I've officially decided that I do not like semesters. And here's my top three reasons why:

1. Ugly schedule. I am a public relations major in the Arts and Sciences college with a business administration minor in the Business college. My major courses are on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and my minor courses are on Tuesdays and Thursdays. This means I have class every day. I don't really mind this, but many people love that they do not have class but two or three days a week. I would love to have this schedule so I could take on an internship or volunteer, but my schedule is just not flexible. It is making me miss out on opportunities. I also disliked the fact that my last summer break was cut short because of the semester transition.

2. More projects. Being a senior, I have larger projects and tasks in my courses. This is something I am fully capable of handling, and depending on the course, are even projects I enjoy completing. But on semesters, I feel like all the professors are handing out more large assignments, projects or papers. Do they think because we have 17 weeks that we can take on so many more? I had three due yesterday and I did complete them all, but I'm afraid that with this tremendous workload that I won't be able to give 100% to each project. This is the first semester in the transition for ONU, so hopefully professors will tweak what they assign next time.

3. Less classes. What I mean by less classes is that I am taking a third less classes than I normally would. I only have two sets of classes in a year instead of three. I love being able to take courses outside my major because I strongly believe this makes me a well-rounded student. I love the scheduling process and being able to have more options. Taking a religion or philosophy course helps feed my mind and I love that taking these types of classes gives me a break from the business or communication courses I take all the time. I love trying something new and taking these outside courses can help me discover new interests and lead me down new paths.

Is it too late to switch back to quarters?!

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