
Social Media 302

While reading chapter eight, Social Media 302 in The New Media University, I found I really liked the 21 Tips for Twitter and Social Media for Socially Savvy Businesses. Social media is inexpensive and easy to use, if you know how to use it. Because of this, it's a great tool to use in small businesses, to help their businesses grow. These were my top three from the list to focus on:

  1. Customer service: Not only responding to questions and concerns, but actively seeking out negative comments proves that your business cares about its customers. Customer service is important, and making sure all customers have a great experience with your brand is key in growing your small business. 
  2. Dedicated and branded channels: Chances are as a small business, your area of expertise could be very new and unique. Utilizing the dedicated or branded channels can help establish your specific brand and stand out among all the noise.
  3. Ideation: Small businesses hope to grow and what better way to grow than by embracing the thoughts and implementing ideas of your loyal customers. They understand your brand and want it to continue to grow. Starting conversations with them will help generate fresh ideas. 
If small businesses utilize these three tips, and hopefully all 21, their business will be sure to take off! 

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